Cyber Warfare

ISHPI was specifically cited as part of an AF Command Award for having identified and quickly resolved a Joint Surveillance and Target Attack Radar System (JSTARS) denial of service attack.

ISHPI was also cited for having resolved a Royal Air Force (RAF) reconnaissance aircraft certification and accreditation (C&A) issue in which we identified and facilitated the correction of communication interface flaws and thereby safeguarded multi-national interoperability.

Cyber attack is often listed as the as the top security threat to the United States, and ISHPI has long been working on the front line defending U.S. interests against Cyberwarfare.

As recent successful cyber attacks on U.S. corporations and U.S. Government networks have demonstrated, Cyberwarfare is now and will continue to be a major concern for the U.S. Government and our allies. ISHPI brings a deep understanding and proven expertise and experience to the Cyberwarfare arena. For the U.S. Marine Corps (USMC), ISHPI performed threat analysis and testing, trend analysis, technical discovery, and forensics collection of networks and systems. We provided insight into the four specific development stages that result in modern botnet and advanced persistent threat (APT) attacks: code polymorphism, code-level noise insertion, compiler settings, and binary-level noise insertion. We also provided the capability to reverse engineer these stages to identify, remove, and prevent Indicators of Compromise (IOC). In addition to the four-step process for malware serial variant technologies, ISHPI supported efforts to identify and analyze methods such as behavioral, debugger, static file, and adversary reverse engineering as well as crypters/cryptors, protectors, packers and binders, and other advanced tools of cyber adversaries.

Working with the U.S. Air Force 90th Information Operations Squadron (IOS), ISHPI developed a new hardware solution to prevent the introduction of malicious logic onto Air Force networks and devices. An out-of-sight, low overhead, man-in-the-middle operation, our embedded system/hardware device is integrated into a host system and interfaces directly into the system bus. We designed this solution to prevent adversaries from obtaining data on the Air Force network physical and logical architecture, associated vulnerabilities, and systems content. We also developed it to capture and redirect traffic for near real-time deep packet inspection; provide enhanced enterprise management capabilities via a web-based interface; dynamically alter the Net-D security posture for networks/systems; and utilize custom on-board applications for Net-D and Net-A purposes to deny, degrade, deter, destroy or deceive network exploitation and attack initiatives.